01 (55) 55-12-38-50 / 01 (55) 55-21-94-58




Pursuant  to  the  Federal  Law  for  the  Protection  of Personal Data  in  the  Possession  of  Private  Entities,  Abarca Traductores, S.C. discloses its privacy policy to inform you how the personal information you  provide to us on a voluntary basis will be handed.

Data Collection.

Surfing our website does not require the disclosure of any personal information. However, certain information may be voluntarily provided when using our contact form:  

When you get in touch using the contact form on our website, you are prompted to enter: your name, your e-mail address and information regarding the service solicited.

Sensitive Personal Information.

Abarca Traductores, S.C. does not request or collect sensitive personal information.

Use of Collected Information.

Your  information  will  only  be  used  for  the  purpose  of answering  your  e-mails  or  queries  sent  to  us  for  more

information concerning Abarca Traductores, S.C. and our services, enquiries and job applications. 

Revocation of use, ARCO Requests and  Department Managing Personal Information.

Any request for access, confirmation, correction or disagreement in relation to your personal information should be made to our Admin Department, either in person at our offices at Avenida Arcos de Belén No. 30, Oficina 1, Colonia Doctores, Delegación Cuauhtémoc,  C.P.  06720,  México,  D.F., or  by  e-mail,  to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. .

Transmission of Data.

Abarca Traductores, S.C. does not pass on or share personal information collected through its website with third parties unless explicitly authorized by the subject or when required to do so by law. 

Changes to this Privacy Policy. 

Any  changes  to  this  Privacy  Policy  shall  be  made  at  the discretion  of  Abarca  Traductores,  S.C.  and  shall  be published on our website. The most recent date of Privacy Notice update can be found at the bottom of this page.. 





Av. Arcos de Belén # 30 oficina 1,

Del. Cuauhtémoc, México D.F.